Cost Effective
Traditional systems that work on-site PBX carry huge installation costs and longer installation times whereas a Cloud Telephony system uses an internet connection to make call engagements with easy setup. You can reduce the amount of hardware further by opting for a soft phone and removing desk phones. The hardware updates are not required very often for cloud telephony, which ultimately wipes off your maintenance costs too.
Most people till now are familiar with and automated voice that instructs the users to dial the extension number. These systems may enhance professionalism but prior to cloud, were usually priced outside the range of small businesses. Not anymore The rise of technology has made it easier for employees to work remotely.
They can work from home or in different office locations resulting in increased communication eventually. When the small businesses employees workers from far off locations who are proficient enough to work on their mobile phones, cloud telephony makes it even easier to work smarter and save money.